20 Fantastic and Funny Examples of Game of Thrones Fan Art

20 Fantastic and Funny Examples of Game of Thrones Fan Art 


We finally did it! After seeing so much great fan art come out for the epic fantasy drama Game of Thrones, we felt it was time to put together the ultimate collection. These 20 pieces were chosen because they're either gorgeously made or incredibly funny. To date, 30 episodes of the television drama have been shown, putting us at the end of season 3. Though you'll have to wait till 2014 to watch season 4, you can, of course, read the books or take a peak at some significant spoilers creator George R. R. Martin recently dropped to E Online, below. "We have a big battle that the wonderful Neil Marshall that did the Battle of Blackwater back to direct, that's very exciting for me. We have another Royal Wedding, this one is not red; this one is a different color. We have the introduction of some great new characters. We finally introduce one of the most popular characters from the books: Prince Oberon Martell. The Red Viper of Dorne will be introduced for the first time and there will be some other new characters that I think the fans will like. The Wildlings are continuing to move toward the wall. We'll see many of the characters, we'll see what happens to Tyrion and Cersei and Jaime and all of the remaining Starks, the few that are left and hopefully it will be another great season." Now, here are our 20 favorite fan art pieces from the hit series Game of Thrones.


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